I wish to explore how love, energy and knowledge flow between and through beings and elements on Earth, and how this might translate into visual patterns or textures. I wish to study the interconnections throughout all living and nonliving units, looking into shared experiences, memories and lessons. I question whether there are such things as universal truths and look at the balance or discourse between individuality and community. Most of all, I wish to discover how a more meaningful connection with nature can benefit people, and to highlight the lessons we may learn from simply the existence of the ecosystems around us. Weaving is a metaphor for connection. One fiber conjoins with others to make thread. And with my hands I can link the threads together. Unity in structure, beauty in bonds.
The specimens climb and clamber over branches; they may even consume, seize and merge with them. Just as I am one with nature, one miniscule thread in a sublime web, so is my work. By using all natural materials they can be returned to the source. A gift for Mother to show her my love and gratitude for all she does for us.