In art, words, prayers, loving and dedicated intentions (dancing, deep thinking, walking, growing), I follow in the footsteps of Cardamommy (older sister, mesiah, divine mentor) on a path leading a lost child back to Mama’s breast–my place as one entwined with many in a metaphysical web under the absolute care of Mama. Bypassing the Western Capitalist Individualism and its missionaries (the Gaze, Time&Money and Identity Supplements), here we find all we were without, in the formal years. A hug, perhaps. A melody, a comb through your hair. Along the way, Cardamommy has gifted me a healerguide (talisman, amulet, special) pouch. Well, she taught me how to make it and so I did. She’s also taught me how to make a journeycrown from my own hair. Perhaps we will show them to you.